Goddard Showcase – Earth Information System Infrastructure. Leveraging Infrastructure as code to do science in the cloud.

From deploying “The Littlest JupyterHub” to automating the deployment of multiple Kubernetes powered Daskhub infrastructure; we would like to share a story about how using AWS Cloud (AKA an API) can not only make solutions deployment faster, repeatable and more secure but also more fun. The Earth Information System was a 6-month Science Pilot therefore we needed to make sure that most of the time was consumed with doing science not configuring servers. Infrastructure as cloud and an API (AWS Cloud) allowed us to provision JupyterHubs, Dasks, HPC clusters, NLP AI, and some other technologies in 2 days… the rest is science

Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 11:20am-11:40am EST

This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here

Recorded session is available through the Goddard Library

IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Dan Duffy

Ramon Ramirez-Linan

Ramon Ramirez-Linan is a technology geek with a computing engineering background for the University of Sevilla (Spain). He has worked on many Cloud projects throughout his career at both NASA and NOAA. At NASA he has been part of the ESDS NGAP project, the HQ MCE and currently working on the NASA Science MCE,  at NOAA he worked for the NOAA CLASS Cloud Pilot project and on the transition to the Cloud of the NOAA Fisheries Permitting application.
