Goddard Showcase – Hackathoning Air Quality (AQ) in Cheverly, MD
While large cities have been trying to assess, predict and forecast air quality, smaller towns are also subject to many of the same problems without the funding to find and use existing resources. Recently, the ESIP Air Quality Cluster held a hackathon to identify and correlate resources for the City of Los Angeles and the Town of Cheverly. Karen Moe and Binita KC will describe the Cheverly use case and demonstrate the way they are using GIS to understand the issues of a town surrounded by sources of air pollution. This is an ongoing activity within the ESIP AQ Cluster.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 11am-11:20am EST
This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here
Recorded session is available through the Goddard Library
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Matt Dosberg
Karen Moe
Karen Moe is a former technology manager at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, retiring after 40+ years at the space agency. She managed technology development for Advanced Information Systems Technology for Earth Science until 2015. In the early days of the EOSDIS, Karen helped create the Earth Science Data and Information System prototyping projects and contributed to the ESDIS working groups with a focus on technology infusion. Karen also served as the chair of the AGU Earth and Space Science Informatics focus group and helped raise the level of coordination between ESIP and ESSI activities, including participation in the Falkenberg Award (which was jointly established by AGU and ESIP members in 2002). She currently co-chairs the Disasters Lifecycle Cluster, and volunteers in local environmental groups, notably serving as the Cheverly liaison to the Univ. of Maryland’s School of Public Health in implementing a hyper-local sensor network for monitoring air quality.
Dr. Binita KC
Dr. Binita KC is a data scientist/user needs lead at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). She received her PhD in geography from the University of Georgia in 2014. She worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University, Boston, USA and Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN. Part of her Post-Doc work at Northeastern and ORNL was in studying the feedbacks of urban heat island effect with socio-economic changes. Her research integrates climatic, spatial, and social components to study the human- environment interaction. She was actively involved in research activities with multiple agencies beside National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and including the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal, and US Forest Service (USFS). Binita is serving as a co-lead at AGU’s ESSI Fall Meeting Program Committee.