NASA SMD’s Transform to OPen Science (TOPS) Initiative

Open science begins with shared access to data, software, resources, and results. Yet, openness that advances science is not a pure product of technology, it is a product of practices, norms, and community behavior around that technology. While recent advances have reduced many of the technological barriers to participating in open science, other cultural and institutional barriers remain. To help catalyze and support change within the community, NASA is stepping to the forefront of these efforts and championing a new initiative, the Open-Source Science Initiative (OSSI). A key component of OSSI is Transforming to OPen Science (TOPS) and NASA’s first decree declaring 2023 as the Year Of Open Science (YOOS), a global community initiative to spark change and inspire open science engagement through events and activities that will shift the current paradigm.

Over the next 5 years, TOPS will coordinate efforts designed to rapidly transform agencies, organizations, and communities. These efforts are aligned with recommendations from NASA, the U.S. National Academies, and UNESCO. To guide efforts, TOPS has three overarching goals:

  • Increase understanding and adoption of open science principles and techniques in the science community
  • Accelerate major scientific discoveries
  • Broaden participation by historically excluded communities

Faster, better, and transformative breakthroughs in science are possible and open science will help us find them

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 11am-12pm EST

This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here

IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Matt Dosberg

Presentation located here. Recorded session is available through NASATube.

Dr. Chelle L. Gentemann
Senior Scientist, Farallon Institute 

Dr. Gentemann is the science lead for NASA SMD’s Transform to Open Science Initiative. For over 20 years, she has worked on passive microwave satellite missions, both domestically and internationally, from launch through decommission. She was awarded AGU’s Falkenberg Award and the Radiant Earth Foundation named her as one of 15 Leading Women in Machine Learning for Earth Observation (ML4EO).  She is a passionate advocate for open science, open source software, and inclusivity.



