TechWorld with Nana – YouTube as a DevOps Educational Platform
Nana will discuss her experience of sharing knowledge about DevOps and various DevOps technologies on YouTube and building a community of 500,000 people. Nana will share insights from the community and technology companies, to include trends in DevOps and generally in the software development field.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 11am-12pm EST
This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Matt Dosberg
Presentation located here. Recorded session is available through NASATube.
Nana Janashia
Creator and Trainer, TechWorld with Nana
Docker Captain, AWS Container Hero & CNCF Ambassador
Nana is a software and DevOps engineer that has taught DevOps technologies to millions of people through the TechWorld with Nana YouTube channel and DevOps courses. Nana started the YouTube channel "TechWorld with Nana" 2 years ago and built a sustainable brand in the field, proving high quality educational content. Nana also works with big technology companies as well as tech startups all over the world.