The Metaverse: What is it, and what are the implications for the Space industry?
The metaverse is more than just virtual reality. It is a continuum of technologies that applies across all aspects of business, from consumer to worker and across the entire enterprise; from 2D to 3D; and from cloud and artificial intelligence to extended reality, blockchain, digital twins, edge technologies and beyond. As the next evolution of the internet, the metaverse is a rapidly emerging set of capabilities, use cases, technologies and experiences. This continuum of technologies presents significant potential for the space industry. It offers a safe testing ground for new technologies and designs, enhances space education and public engagement, and expands access to space experiences. Join us to discover how the space industry should explore and embrace the potential applications of the metaverse as it develops.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 11am-12pm EST
This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Matt Dosberg
Presentation here. Recording available via NASA MS Stream.
David Treat
Accenture, Senior Managing Director
Global Metaverse Continuum Business Group Lead
Global Fintech Innovation Lab Lead
Dave Treat is a Senior Managing Director, leading Accenture’s Metaverse Continuum Business Group which includes its Blockchain and Multi-Party Systems business which he formed in 2015 and its Extended Reality business. Dave serves on the Board of Directors on Hyperledger (Board Chair) —a Linux Project, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Global Blockchain Business Council (Board Chair), Interwork Alliance, Linux FINOS, and the ID2020 Alliance. Dave is a member of the World Economic Forum C4IR Global Blockchain Council, Digital Currency Governance Consortia, and Project Advisor for the World Economic Forum’s Digital Identity Initiative and the Known Traveler Digital Identity project. He also co-Chairs the New York Fintech Innovation Lab. Dave holds over 110 patents and pending patents and was named one of the Sci-Tech 100 2018: The Architects of the Future by Silicon Republic.