Transform your complex maze of daily challenges into clear forward paths. In this 50-minute presentation, join Tom Wujec multi-TED speaker, author, and technologist to deepen your problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills. Tom will show to sharpen your thinking (as well as your team’s) by using simple visual tools to frame, explore, develop, and align on ideas. He will show how to use these tools to map big issues (such as implementing AI/ML and striving to create breakthroughs while zeroing risk) to everyday challenges (such as aligning on team goals and managing tasks when there’s too much to do). Prepare by bringing a pen and paper and see how you can quickly solve problems faster, lead meaningful change, and create breakthroughs.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 11am-12pm EST
This seminar can be viewed remotely via Microsoft Teams: Join here
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Matt Dosberg
Tom Wujec
The Wujec Group
Tom Wujec is a technology pioneer, speaker, writer and design thinker who helps organizations solve complex problems and create massive positive impact. As a former Autodesk Fellow and founding Singularity University Professor, Tom has worked at the intersection of emerging technologies, business transformation and creative collaboration. He has created a wide range of digital tools to design and engineer better cars, stronger buildings, more beautiful and sustainable consumer products, and more engaging movies and games. Maya, a visual effects application, won an Academy Award for its contribution to the film industry and SketchBook Pro is used by 40 million designers and artists.
Tom is also the author of eight books which have been translated into 16 languages. He has spoken at TED six times and delivered over 400 keynoters and workshops globally. His most recent project is the Wicked Problem-Solving toolkit. This collection of animated videos, books, cards, posters, and software is designed to augment critical, analytical, systems, and creative thinking. The program is accredited by the Project Management Institute as an essential strategy leadership toolkit for its two million global members.