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Larry Sweet
NASA Office of the Chief Information Officer
Vision and Priorities in Information Technology at NASA
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Reception to follow)
Information technology at NASA has been, and will remain, a critical enabling capability for our Agency and the Nation. Our strategy calls for the ability to support current and future missions, both reliably and affordably, with an increasingly flexible, mobile workforce. We have consolidated legacy contracts and data centers and we are increasing our use of cloud computing. It is also imperative we enhance and strengthen IT Security and Cyber security to protect NASA's critical data and IT assets.
CIO Vision:
- To clarify our purpose for existing at NASA. We should enable the mission and move with purposeful intent
- To be a value-added service
- To be customer focused
- To be connected to our many federal initiatives
- Protect our national assets
- Seek out efficiencies and reduce costs o Adopt IT that makes NASA better
CIO Priorities:
- Enhance NASA's information security posture through implementation of automated security and privacy tools and technologies
- Firm up NASA's policies and position on bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and embrace mobile technologies that support the concept of Work from Anywhere (WFA)
- Make better use of the Cloud - Cloud computing is a great example of taking advantage of commercial technology that would make NASA data available to the scientist and researchers in a scalable, cost-efficient way
- Develop an IT program that adjusts to the challenging budget environment by being more adaptable and flexible, moving towards more "services-on-demand"
- Improve IT governance by addressing each recommendation outlined by the IG, assessing roles and responsibilities for IT decision making, and looking at current model execution
- Strengthen the NASA CIO Leadership Team by embracing collaboration with CIO leadership at the Centers and building trust within the OCIO
Larry N. Sweet is NASA's Chief Information Officer. Mr. Sweet joined the NASA Office of the CIO (OCIO) in June 2013. Sweet leads the agency's information technology efforts and capabilities. He is responsible for ensuring NASA's information assets are in line with federal policies, procedures and legislation. He also manages a number of other major IT efforts, including the Information Technology Infrastructure Integration Program (I3P), which consolidates and integrates NASA's IT services to enable collaboration and reduce costs to the agency.
Mr. Sweet joined the agency in 1987 at the Johnson Space Center where he served as supervisor and manager for more than 26 years.
He began his career with NASA as a Branch Chief in the Center Operations Directorate. He moved on to the Information Resources Directorate, serving as Office Manager, Division Chief and Deputy Director prior to being selected as Director. In addition, Mr. Sweet completed a formal detail in 2002 as Deputy Director in the JSC Public Affairs Office and a rotational assignment in 2005 at NASA Headquarters in the Institutions and Management Office.
In July 2005, Mr. Sweet was selected as Deputy Director for the Information Resources Directorate. He was then named Acting Director and Acting JSC Chief Information Officer in September 2006. In February 2007, Mr. Sweet was named the JSC Chief Information Officer and Information Resources Director. He was responsible for developing and implementing the Center's strategy for institutional information systems in accordance with Agency and Center policies and standards. Mr. Sweet earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Visual Communications in 1978 from Texas Lutheran University, in Seguin, Texas.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Donohue
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040