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Marc Kuchner
Goddard's new Citizen Science Task Group
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Building 8 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Cookies at 10:30 AM)
*** Note Building 8 Location ***
What would you do with 10,000 interns? That's the kind of amazing opportunity you can have if you run a citizen science project. Goddard has a new Citizen Science Task group to help foster our citizen science projects and plan for the future of GSFC citizen science. I'll tell you what this group has been up to, describe some new GSFC citizen science projects, and show you how you can take the next step toward leading your own citizen science project
Astrophysicist Marc Kuchner (code 667) is fascinated by disks, planets, and brown dwarfs. He is the PI of two citizen science projects: DiskDetective.org and the newly launched Backward Worlds: Planet 9.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Nargess Memarsadeghi
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040