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Paul Strassmann
Information Productivity: A Metric for the Information Economy
Wednesday September 18, 2002
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00 PM)
Mr. Paul Strassmann, will talk about Information Productivity: A Metric for the Information Economy. Mr. Strassmann will describe his work on measuring the effectiveness of information technology investments starting with initial findings in 1979, pilot research from 1982-1985, institutional resistance to measuring the total costs of information resources and gradual acceptance of the metric. The presentation will conclude with a demonstration of just released software that relates information productivity to conventional financial accounting practices.
Mr. Paul Strassmann is the Senior Executive at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC and is president of The Information Economics Press. He was named Special Assistant to the Administrator for Information Management. Mr. Strassmann, who has been honored worldwide for his pioneering work in Information Technology (IT) development, is serving as a senior advisor to the NASA Administrator on information management and technology structure issues. He is on the Board of Visitors for the School of Information Studies at the Syracuse University, a Faculty Fellow at the University of North Texas, a member of the InfraGard organization for the Nation Infrastructure Protection and a member of the Advisory Council of the International Executive Service Corps. He is on the Board of Directors of Meta Software, Alinean, and Trio Security corporations.
Mr.Strassmann is the author of over 200 articles on information management and worker productivity. His monthly articles have appeared in the Computerworld magazine since 1994. His 1997 book, The Squandered Computer, offers specific recommendations on how to obtain better value from investments in information technologies, and was Amazon.com’s #1 best selling book on information management in 1998. Strassmann holds registered U.S. trademarks for Return-on-Management®, Information Productivity® and Knowledge Capital®.
After serving as an advisor to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, he was appointed in 1991 to the newly created position of Director of Defense Information, reporting to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence. He was responsible for organizing and managing the corporate information management (CIM) program across the Department of Defense, which included a $35 billion cost reduction and business engineering program of the defense information infrastructure. Strassmann had direct policy and budgetary oversight for information technology expenditures of over $10 billion per annum. He is a 1993 recipient of the Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service - the Defense Department’s highest civilian award. In May 2002 he was recalled to government service and is now acting Chief Information Executive of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, with direct responsibility and accountability for the NASA computing and telecommunication information infrastructure.
Recommended Reading
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Linda Rosenberg