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Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00 PM)
Interoperable Pathways Explored and Capitalized Through the Global Change Master Directory | |
Lola Olsen | Abstract: A common thread uniting the goals of the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) is that of the broad and rapid dissemination of Earth science data and services. The GCMD offers more than 15,000 data set and science-related service descriptions to users - with direct connections to data and services whenever possible. To best serve broad and diverse interests, methods have been explored and implemented to bring together the widest possible community. These methods include: (1) building an Earth science keyword hierarchy (available in several languages), which now serves as the basis for a multitude of ontological and semantic studies; (2) incorporating standards, such as ISO, XML, XSLT, Xpath, and SOAP; (3) integrating open source software, (4) creating Local Database Agent software for distributed content; (5) automating the building of customized portals for science-focus groups or science topics;and (6) integrating a mapserver to provide real time visualization.
Bio: Lola M. Olsen's career has included coaching competitive swimming, teaching Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and teaching Remote Sensing at the University of Maryland. |
Onboard Processing: 2 Examples | |
Pen-Shu Yeh
Abstract: Onboard processing of sensor data is deemed necessary for NASA's exploration program for two main reasons: to reduce data volume and to allow faster response to unforeseen situations. We give two cases of onboard processing by presenting what has been done, what is being developed, and what could be achieved in the near future.
Bio: Pen-Shu Yeh came to work at Goddard in 1988. She has since been involved in technology development for onboard compression, processing and digital communications. In her spare time, she likes gardening and learning how to play "zheng" (pronounced "cheng"), an ancient Chinese instrument. |
Multi-Sensor, Multi-Missions, Coordinated Responses: SGM, EO-1, and RapidFire | |
Sandy Grosvenor
Abstract: Over the past year, the Scientist Goal Monitor (SGM) team working with the Earth-Observing 1 (EO-1) mission team and the MODIS Land Rapid Response team have developed a set of prototype demonstrations and capabilities to show the viability of coordinating automated science driven responses to dynamic data from independent NASA missions. We have used SGM to monitor new data coming in from the RapidFire data system and then request and coordinate high priority images of emerging and active fires using EO-1's high-resolution camera. This talk will describe those demonstrations and their promise for emerging sensor web development.
Bio: Sandy Grosvenor is a Senior Staff Computer Scientist for Science Systems and Applications, Inc (SSAI). She has been responsible for the design and development for much of the internal architecture in the Science Goal Monitor (SGM) and Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA). Ms. Grosvenor has over 24 years experience in software development with an emphasis on end-user applications. For the last eight years, she has been working full time with Goddard Space Flight Center's Advanced Architectures and Automations group developing and evaluating applications of new software technologies for NASA missions. She is the co-author of over a dozen papers on SGM, SEA, and the uses of graphical end-user software to better manage NASA missions. |
Inexpensive Parallel Computing | |
John Dorband
Abstract: Goddard Space Flight Center is recognized as the home of the Beowulf Project. The Beowulf Project was the first attempt at building a truly commodity-based high performance parallel computer. The first Beowulf was built out of PC parts obtained from local PC clone dealers and ran LINUX as its operating system. What is probably not as well known is that it is the home of the first massively parallel computer, the NASA/Goodyear MPP. This talk will present the pursuit of inexpensive computation at Goddard.
Bio: Dr. John E. Dorband received his B.A. degree in mathematics and physics from Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho in 1972 and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Penn State University in 1985. He was awarded the 2002 NASA/Goddard Excellence in Information Science and Technology Award for his work in cluster computing. His research is primarily in the area of utilization of and improvements in highly parallel computing systems for NASA's science data processing and computational science applications. He has been doing research in parallel computing for 18 years and has advised several computer companies on architectural issues important to earth and space science applications . He is presently at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and is responsible for system software research for the Earth and Space Science component of the NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Project. |
ANTS: Artificial Life in Space | |
Steve Curtis
Abstract: ANTS (Autonomous Nano Technology Swarm) is an artificial life architecture based on two elements. The first element is a totally reconfigurable synthetic skeletal-muscular-skin system. The second element is a synthetic neural system that is both adaptable and evolvable and hence capable of highly plastic behavior. We discuss two applications of ANTS to near term Goddard questions: "How do we capture a chaotically tumbling object (HST without operating gyros)?", and "How do we build a rover well adapted to the lunar highlands?"
Bio: Dr. Steve Curtis is head of the Planetary Magnetospheres Branch and is Project Scientist for the 4 platform Magnetospheric Multi Scale mission to be launched in 2011. He is Goddard lead Co-I for the JPL ST-8 COTS chips in space mission and has been PI on a number of major research activities utilizing advanced computing platforms. He has led the ANTS effort from first conceptualization and has filed 6 related preliminary patent applications. |
A Robotic Servicing Mission to the Hubble Space Telescope | |
Jill Holz
Abstract: The Hubble Space Telescope Project had to prepare alternatives to servicing the observatory without using the Shuttle or astronauts. This presentation will provide current information on the feasibility studies of a robotic servicing mission to HST. The main servicing tasks of the mission will be highlighted.
Bio: Jill Holz is currently the robotics manager for the HST Servicing and De-orbit Mission (HRSDM). With dual masters in Applied Physics and Engineering Management, she has been involved with HST's scientific instrument Wide Field Camera 3 since 1998. She was also responsible for the design, development, and qualification of a wide array of unique and specialized tools used by the astronauts to service the HST. |
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Jacqueline LeMoigne