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Chris Kemp
Cloud Computing for a Universe of Data: The Nebula Platform
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Coffee at 3:00 AM)
Cloud Computing for a Universe of Data: The Nebula Platform Abstract: Nebula is a Cloud Computing pilot under development at NASA Ames Research Cen-ter. It integrates a set of open-source components into a seamless, self-service platform, providing high-capacity computing, storage and network connectivity using a virtualized, scalable approach to achieve cost and energy efficiencies. The fully-integrated nature of the Nebula components provide for extremely rapid development of policy-compliant and secure web applications, fosters and encourages code reuse, and improves the coherence and cohesiveness of NASA's collaborative web applications. When completed, Nebula will offer cost-effective Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service(SaaS). As a hybrid cloud, Nebula enhances NASA’s ability to collaborate with external researchers by providing consistent tool sets and high-speed data connections.
Built from the ground up around principles of transparency and public collaboration, Nebula is also an open-source project. Open-source means transparency and enhanced interoperability to the end-user. The creation of this kind of system, made up of cooperating programs that aren’t all owned by the same company, delivers an Internet platform that is owned not by one organization, but a collaborative mega-system created by thousands who seek improved operability.
Chris C. Kemp is an entrepreneurial executive with a passion for igniting innovation in high-tech organizations. Chris has experience starting, funding, building, and selling technology businesses. As Chairman of NASA's Web Council and Chief Information Officer at NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, Chris helped forge partnerships with Google and Mi-crosoft and is responsible for NASA's Nebula Cloud Computing Platform. Prior to joining NASA, Chris helped create the third largest online community Classmates.com, the leading web-based vacation rental platform Escapia, and the first online grocery shopping platform for Krog-er, the world's largest grocery store chain.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Paul Hunter