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George Cotter
Security in the National Grid
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
The National Grid is one of the elements of the National Infrastructure that is deemed critical for survivability of the nation to a cyber attack. This study examines the activities of the Electric Power industry in securing the Grid, federal regulatory and legal requirements for cyber security, vulnerabilities of the Grid and an assessment of threats. It deals extensively with policies, the legislative picture, the complexities of mechanisms for protection, and other outstanding issues. Finally, courses of action are suggested to address the most pressing of these issues.
George Cotter retired from the National Security Agency in November 2009, with 60 years of cryptologic service as an analyst, technical leader, manager and senior executive. His early cryptologic experience encompassed the transition from WWII through the Cold War years including a tour with NSA's UK counterpart, GCHQ. He was appointed to the Senior Cryptologic Service in 1966. Following a field tour at Deputy Chief, NSA Europe, he headed the NSA S&T Intelligence Group. He was founding Director of the DoD Computer Security Center and subsequently served as NSA Chief Scientist for over ten years. In 2004, Mr. Cotter took on the reestablishment of an Information Technology Directorate, creating a critically-needed IT Enterprise organization while also assuming the role of NSA CIO. This effort involved reconstitution of NSA's High Performance Computing Program, modernization of the NSA global networks, implementation of NSA's digital network intelligence program, and related cyber security efforts. Mr. Cotter holds a BA (Management) from George Washington University and MS (Numerical Science), degree from Johns Hopkins University and is a graduate of the Harvard International Security Program. He is a recipient of the NSA Meritorious and Exceptional Service Awards, Presidential Rank Award, and the Defense Exceptional Service Award. He is a Life member of the IEEE, member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, and the Association of Old Crows. Mr. Cotter was also the first NSA employee elected to membership in the National Academy of Engineering. In September 2010, Mr. Cotter was presented with the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, the highest award in the Intelligence Community. Mr. Cotter currently serves on the National Security Agency Advisory Board.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Jim Fischer
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040
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