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Amjad Ali
Cybersecurity: Emerging Threats and Strategies
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
The unprecedented increase in the number, severity and sophistication of cyberattacks pose serious threats to critical information infrastructure of our nation. The rapidly evolving cybersecurity problems are complex in nature and require a systems approach to address them in a holistic manner. This seminar will offer an in-depth presentation and discussion of emerging cybersecurity threats, trends and innovative strategies to protect cyberinfrastructure, a critical domain of our national security. The effectiveness of embedding cybersecurity throughout the system development life cycle is examined. In addition, emerging technological trends and techniques in cybersecurity to protect aerospace systems are explored
Presently, Dr. Amjad Ali serves as associate vice president and cybersecurity advisor to the president of University of Maryland University College (UMUC). In addition, he is professor of cybersecurity at the Graduate School. He made significant contributions to the development and launch of UMUC's cybersecurity programs and initiatives, and has served as director of the UMUC's Center for Security Studies of the Cybersecurity.
Before joining UMUC, Amjad worked as manager of Continuing Education at the American Council of Engineering Companies in Washington, DC. He has also served as the Dean of Keller Graduate School of Management-New York Region. Amjad has presented at major conferences and seminars on cutting-edge topics in cybersecurity, and he has a strong portfolio of scholarly publications. He holds a doctorate in Engineering Management from the George Washington University.
He staffed the Maryland Commission on Cybersecurity Innovation and Excellence and serves on the advisory board of the Center for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Science
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Donohue
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040