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Dr. Avi Silberschatz
Next Generation Information Systems
Wednesday, January 31, 2001
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00PM)
Goddard's Office of the Assistant Director for Information Sciences and Chief Information Officer announces the second GSFC Information Sciences and Technology (IS&T) Colloquium presentation of the Spring 2001 Series. Dr. Avi Silberschatz, Vice President for Information Science Research, Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, will speak on the topic, Next Generation Information Systems. Next generation information networking will incorporate the best features of today's voice and data networks. They will seamlessly combine communications, software, and contents. These systems will need to deal with multimedia data, the Web, and real-time applications. Some of the key challenges that need to be addressed are the need for handling exabyte of data in terms of storage and delivery, quality of service, availability, security, and privacy. This talk will present a grand tour of the wide variety of next-generation information networking, highlight their characteristics, and introduce a few research projects carried out at Bell Labs that address these challenges. The talk will conclude with seven predictions for the new millennium.
Dr. Avi Silberschatz is the Vice President of the Information Sciences Research Center at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Prior to joining Bell Labs, he held an endowed chair in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include operating systems, database systems, and distributed systems. Most recently, he has explored multimedia storage servers, high-performance databases, real-time rating and billing systems, and real-time operating systems. Dr. Silberschatz served as a member of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Panel, for President Clinton's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology; as an advisor for the National Science Foundation; and as a consultant for several private industry companies. Dr. Silberschatz has graduated over a dozen Ph.D. students who now hold positions in academic institutions and industrial research laboratories. His writings have appeared in numerous ACM and IEEE publications and in other professional conferences and journals. He received the 1998 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom outstanding educator award, the 1997 ACM SIGMOD contribution award, and the IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Paper Award for the article, "Capability Manager," which appeared in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He is co-author of two well-known textbooks -- Operating System Concepts and Database System Concepts. Dr. Silberschatz is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Schnase