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Dr. Greg Trafton
Cognitive Science, Cognitive Robotics, and Autonomy
Wednesday, April 25th
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:30 AM
(Cookies at 11:00 AM)
We assume that robots and autonomous systems will be collaborating for the foreseeable future. In order for these artificial systems to be able to work well with people, they need to be able to understand people’s strengths and weaknesses. In order to help AIs, robots, and autonomous systems understand people better, we build computational cognitive models (process models of how people think, attend to information, remember facts and execute tasks, etc.). I will describe a series of empirical and computational studies that describe our work in this area.
Dr. Greg Trafton received his BS in computer science with a second major in psychology from Trinity University, San Antonio, TX in 1989. He received an MA (1991) and Ph.D (1994) in cognitive science from Princeton University. From 1995 through the present he has worked at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. He is currently a section head for the Intelligent Systems Section in the Artificial Intelligence branch. Greg has 3 primary areas of interest: human robot interaction/cognitive robotics, error prediction, and predictive supervisory control systems.
Recording available via NASA MS Stream
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Keith Keller
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7348