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Gordon Bell
MyLifeBits: The Memex Vision and Some Implications of Storing Everything Personal
*Co-sponsored with the Scientific Colloquium*
Friday, October 1, 2004
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00 PM)
Dr. Gordon Bell, will talk about MyLifeBits: The Memex Vision and Some Implications of Storing Everything Personal. Within five years, our personal computers will be able to store everything we read, write, hear, and many of the images we see including a bit of video. Vannevar Bush outlined such a system in his famous 1945 Memex article [1]. Since 2000 we have been working on MyLifeBits (www.MyLifeBits) to hold all cyberizable items from both personal and profession lives including articles, books, email and written correspondence, photos, telephone calls, video files, web pages visited. We are extending the reach to capture (1000) images per day and psychological data through wearable devices e.g. the SenseCam from Microsoft's Cambridge Lab, and BodyMedia www.BodyMedia.com
Gordon Bell is a senior researcher in Microsoft's Media Presence Research Group - a part of the Bay Area Research Center (BARC) maintaining an interest in startup ventures.
Gordon has long evangelized scalable systems starting with his interest in multiprocessors (mP) beginning in 1965 with the design of Digital's PDP-6, PDP-10's antecedent, one of the first mPs and the first timesharing computer. He continues this interest with various talks about trends in future supercomputing and especially clustered systems formed from cost-effective "personal computers". As Digital's VP of R&D he was responsible for the VAX Computing Environment. In 1987, he led the cross-agency group as head of NSF's Computing Directorate that made "the plan" for the National Research and Education Network (NREN) aka the Internet.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Ben Kobler