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Hoot Thompson
Goddard in the Cloud: Accelerating Science and Engineering through Cloud Computing
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Building 3 auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Cookies at 10:30 AM)
Cloud computing is changing the cyberinfrastructure landscape and is rapidly providing unprecedented capabilities across Government and industry. The combination of flexibility and extensibility of cloud computing environments are opening up new methods by which Information Technology (IT) can be leveraged to accelerate science and engineering. Across Goddard, a number of groups have been exploring the use of cloud computing for not only science and engineering but for big data analytics and web services as well. This presentation will provide an overall context for how cloud computing will be a critical component of the future Goddard IT enterprise architecture. In support of this future state of IT at Goddard, this presentation will highlight the capabilities and service offerings for two cloud offerings: (1) the Goddard Private Cloud (GPC), and (2) the Advanced Data Analytics Platform (ADAPT). In addition, we will show example use cases currently running in these clouds and provide information for how to get access and support.
Hoot Thompson, a University of Virginia graduate with nearly forty years of engineering experience, serves as CTO and lead systems architect for PTP, LLC, a Maryland based IT firm specializing in High Performance Computing applications. His focus over the past fifteen years has been storage and related technologies such as storage area networks (SAN) and shared file systems.
As lead of the NCCS Advanced Technology group, Hoot works closely with candidate vendors assessing new hardware and software capabilities that have the potential to enhance the services delivered to the NASA science community. As an example, Hoot has spent significant time benchmarking cloud relevant technologies in particular virtualized Ethernet and InfiniBand interconnects. This work culminated with speaking engagements at the 2011 Intel Developers Forum and the 2013 Red Hat Summit as well as presentations at the annual supercomputing conference. His research was one of the catalysts that led to the development of the ADAPT virtualized environment, the data centric environment that’s providing new levels of personalized capabilities to the NCCS user community.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Keith Keller
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7348