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C. E. Molyneaux
What To Do When All America Sees Your Work, Live in Real-Time
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00 PM)
The presentation covers "Innovating World Class Vision, Strategy, and Implementation" and compares the author's contributions to a NASA Satellite Data Processing System and the CBS Election System Containing Touch Screens and Tools for anchors Dan Rather and Katie Couric with generic self-training for success. Focus is on key questions to ask when considering creating that which has not been before, and how to repeatedly and successfully manage the process from end to end with consistency. Both of these systems are compared with the broad thinking patterns of Aristotle Onasis, Steve Jobs, Jim Clark, Brian Tracy, among other classic and contemporary figures and authors. The presentation includes humorous references of thematic parody to the popular tales: "Lords of the Bling", "Tar Warts", and "Larry Plotter".
Throughout, each person in the audience is asked to think about their job, their neighbor's jobs, the company as a whole, and more broadly assess what new things the person can consider to move the self, the organization, the country, the planet, and the Universe in positive directions.
C. E. Molyneaux is an engineering entrepreneur bringing world class technical visions to life for the clients he serves. Efforts have advanced progress for many, including: NASA, McDonnell-Douglas, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, and CBS. For recreation, he has innovated a life-realistic variation of a classic game: TriWizardChess. He holds a B.S. Degree in Computer Science-Math, and a Masters of Business Administration. He resides in Florida, U.S.A., with his wife and son.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Gene Feldman