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Dr. Michael L. Brodie
eBusiness: The Next Generation
Wednesday, April 11, 2001
Building 3 Auditorium - 3:30 PM
(Refreshments at 3:00PM)
Goddard's Office of the Assistant Director for Information Sciences and Chief Information Officer announces the next GSFC Information Sciences and Technology (IS&T) Colloquium presentation of the Spring 2001 Series. Dr. Michael L. Brodie, Chief Scientist, Verizon Information Technology, will speak on the topic, eBusiness: The Next Generation. The power of the Internet to bring about change, economic growth, and impacts in all aspects of life were real. Look at the evidence at least until the early 2000 when the early eBusiness Generations ended. Understanding what happened and why it happened requires as understanding of eBusiness, an entirely novel domain, and many older domains - economics, business, technology - based on age-old wisdom and experience. Equally important is the role of social and political change.
The early eBusiness Generations are over leaving strong reverberations. Retrospection is easy. Prediction is hard. How should you be thinking about eBusiness? How will it affect you? What is eBusiness? Is it a false Silver Bullet as have been so many technology trends? Or will it have enduring value? If this is a modern Industrial Revolution, then where are we in it? What lies ahead? Are we nearing a Tipping Point or simply evolving with increased automation? No matter what your endeavor, will you be forced to re-think it in the light of eBusiness?
The presentation outlines a framework with which to look at eBusiness, the Next Generation; to consider its complexities and its relevant contexts. Following a romp through the Dot.Com Generation, we will look at the "Sleeves Up" Next Generation in which eBusiness and Business become one and in which radical change begins in earnest.
Dr. Brodie is Chief Scientist, Verizon Information Technology. He works on large-scale strategic Information Technology (IT) challenges for Verizon Corporation's senior executives. His primary interest is in the use of IT, with an emphasis on emerging technologies, to enable organizational and business objectives, including organizational change. Since 1998 he has investigated e-commerce and the relationships between economics, business, and technology. His long-term industrial and research focus is on large-scale information systems - their total life cycle, business and technical contexts, core technologies, and "integration" within in a large scale, operational telecommunications environment. From 1996-2000 he had the additional role of Chief Scientist, SAP Program in which he provided technical oversight of one of the largest SAP implementation worldwide. Dr. Brodie is an active contributor to the research fields of eBusiness, cooperative information systems, interoperability, global information systems planning, databases, infrastructure and application architectures, legacy systems migration, business processes, experimental or application/domain-driven computer science, and the effective evaluation and deployment of advance IT solutions. Dr. Brodie has authored over 150 books, chapters, journal articles and conference papers. He has presented keynote talks, invited lectures and short courses on many topics in over twenty-five countries. He is a member of the Board of six research foundations including the VLDB (Very Large Databases) Endowment (1992 - present), and is on the editorial board of several research journals.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Dr. Howard Kea