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Jean-Claude Bradley
Crowdsourcing solubility measurements using Open Notebook Science
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Refreshments at 10:30 PM)
The use of Open Notebook Science to collect and make publicly available non-aqueous solubility measurements will be described. This involves the real time sharing of all experiments and associated raw data by a community of collaborators who are geographically distributed and may have never communicated using channels other than this project. Monthly cash prizes are awarded to participating students by means of the ONS Challenge Submeta Awards. The laboratory notebook pages are recorded on a public wiki and the solubility measurements, including relevant calculations, are stored in public Google Spreadsheets. A combination of ChemSpider, the GoogleDoc visualization API and web services is used to enable flexible searching and display of desired subsets of the data.
Jean-Claude Bradley is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and E-Learning Coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University. He leads the UsefulChem project, an initiative started in the summer of 2005 to make the scientific process as transparent as possible by publishing all research work in real time to a collection of public blogs, wikis and other web pages. Jean-Claude coined the term Open Notebook Science to distinguish this approach from other more restricted forms of Open Science. Jean-Claude teaches undergraduate organic chemistry courses with most content freely available on public blogs, wikis, games and audio and video podcasts. He has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and has published articles and obtained patents in the areas of synthetic and mechanistic chemistry, gene therapy, nanotechnology and scientific knowledge management.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Paul Hunter