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Thierry Ranchin *CANCELLED*
Wavelets, Data Fusion and Environmental Modelling
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Building 23 Room RC432- 2:00 PM
Thierry Ranchin, will talk about Wavelets, Data Fusion and Environmental Modelling. The wavelet transform is a mathematical tool providing information on signals in both time and frequencies. Since the early 1980's, new applications based on this tool were developed in various domains. Combined with multiresolution analysis, another mathematical tool introduced in 1989 by Mallat, the wavelet transform allows the analysis and the processing of images. In particular, in the field of Earth observation, the first applications of the wavelet transform and multiresolution analysis began in the 1990's.
After a presentation of some fundamentals fo the wavelet transform, the multiresolution analysis, and data fusion, the capabilities of these tools will be demonostrated through examples: image registration, image fusion, street mapping, and change detection.
Thierry Ranchin (M'01) received a PhD degree from the university of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France in the field of applied mathematics, in 1993 and his "Habilitation à diriger les recherches" in 2005.
After a post-doctoral fellow in a company in Tromso, Norway, he joined the remote sensing group of Ecole des Mines de Paris in the fall of 1994. He was an invited scientist from the University of Jena, Germany in 1998. He has a patent about sensor fusion and more than 100 publications, communications in international symposia, or articles in journals with peer review committees in the field of remote sensing of teh Earth system and in the field of image processing.
Dr. Ranchin received the Autometrics Award in 1998 and the Erdas Award in 2001 from the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) for articles on data fusion. He is the co-chair of the Energy Community of Practices of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Jacqueline Le Moigne