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Jon Verville
Adventures in Improving Data Management for Flight Projects
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Building 3 Aud 11:20 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
In 2013, the Flight Project Directorate (Code 400) kicked off an initiative to assess the state-of-the practice in data management and configuration management (CM) systems used by GSFC flight projects. This initiative explored the feasibility of establishing a common data management system to meet the needs of flight projects. The strategic objectives of the initiative include: improving project start-up mechanisms, improving systems engineering processes to manage program/project data throughout its lifecycle, increasing utilization of legacy designs, and decreasing IT system costs through standardization. This talk will cover the progress of this initiative and will give some perspectives gained along the way regarding how IT systems meet the technical and business needs of an organization.
Jon Verville is a Project Lead and Systems Architect at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He currently manages the Windchill CM Pilot for the Flight Projects Directorate/Code 400, working closely with Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST).
Formerly, he led the development of and was the project lead for the AETD Wiki (also known as SPACES), a collaborative web system utilized by over a 1,000 of Goddard's engineers, managers, and staff, including 6 flight projects. Previously Verville was an RF communication engineer on the Magnetosphere MultiScale (MMS) mission, where he was responsible for test equipment design & development of the S-Band transponder sub-assembly. Verville has also worked on the communication systems for TDRSS, LADEE, LCROSS, ST-5, and the South Pole TDRSS Relay (SPTR), where he worked on the design and installation of equipment at the Antarctic Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Verville received his BSEE from Michigan Technological University, where he was the co-founder of the University Nanosat winning student organization, the Aerospace Enterprise.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Donohue
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040