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Joshua Lubell and Raphael Barbau
Towards a Reference Architecture for Archival Systems: Use Case with Product Data
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Building 3 Aud 11:00 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
Long-term preservation of product data is imperative for aerospace, aeronautics, shipbuilding, and other industries. A product data archive description should include the business functions the archive has to support, as well as the archive's interactions with the systems providing those functions. Existing preservation frameworks, however, neither focus on particular contexts or content types nor offer guidance on how to formally and comprehensively describe archival systems. We propose a holistic approach using the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) to formally describe not only preservation concepts, but also how the archive interacts with other business functions. We demonstrate our approach by describing ingest of product data related to a ship. The resulting description facilitates understanding of how the preservation solution is actually implemented and provides evidence of the solution's efficacy. As a real-world use case, we discuss how our approach could strengthen standards for long-term preservation of aerospace digital product and technical information.
Joshua Lubell is a computer scientist in the NIST Engineering Laboratory's Systems Integration Division. His interests include model-based engineering, cyber-security, long-term preservation of digital data, information modeling, and XML and other markup technologies. He received the U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Medal for his leadership in developing ISO 10303-203, a standard for representation and exchange of computer-aided designs. He has served on the Technical Advisory Committee of PDES, Inc., an industry/government/university consortium committed to deploying product data standards.
Raphael Barbau obtained a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Burgundy. He is currently a Guest Researcher in the Systems Engineering group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. His research interests include semantic web, product lifecycle management, long-term preservation, and systems engineering.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Donohue
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040