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Nicholas Skytland
NASA Data Strategy
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Building 34, Room W120A&B, 2:30 PM
(Change in Location and Time)
(Coffee and cookies at 2:00 PM)
In pursuit of its exploration mission, NASA has generated, collected and compiled a vast amount of data through the eyes of satellites, telescopes, robots, and the cameras of astronauts that has helped us better understand Earth, other planets, and the depths of space. This data - from enormous technical and scientific datasets, to records, images and personal stories - is one of the Agency's most valuable assets and must be understood and managed accordingly. Mission success requires effective and scalable methods to access, manage and interpret this data. The Data Strategy White Paper forms the basis for NASA's high level data strategy that addresses those diverse mission needs of the mission areas. To this end, it outlines notable challenges, significant opportunities and key recommendations on how the Agency should proceed. The presentation will review the key insights and recommendations for NASA's Data Strategy.
Nick Skytland works within the Technology and Innovation Division of the Office of the Chief Information Officer as NASA's Data Evangelist. Nick has a passion for liberating high value data sets, pushing forward the use of open source software, developing cutting-edge technology, and creating participatory opportunities to engage citizens in solving humanity's grand challenges.
Nick has pioneered new ways of doing business for over a decade and is directly responsible for many successful cutting edge initiatives such as the International Space Apps Challenge and the National Day of Civic Hacking, two of the largest mass collaborations in history. During his career in the federal government, he has founded NASA's Open Innovation Program, led the implementation of numerous White House mandates, including the Open Government, Open Data and Digital Strategy directives, envisioned future space exploration missions, designed next generation space suits, trained space-bound astronauts, developed open-source software and encouraged new partnerships between government and industry, academia and citizens.
Nick also has experience in the private sector most recently as a partner at SecondMuse, a leading innovation and collaboration agency. He has also worked at the Boston Consulting Group, X Prize Foundation, the Zero G Corporate, and General Motors.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: John Donohue
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040