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Richard Mullinix
iPhone App Development 101: Introduction to developing iPhone/iPod/iPad applications
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
With over 100,000 apps and 1 billion app downloads, the Apple iTunes App Store is a great source for creating a huge audience and user base. Recently NASA released its first official application "NASA app" with huge success. It has been over a year since the App Store opened, but it's not too late to start developing for the iPhone. The hardest step in iPhone development is the first step. This presentation will start iPhone development from step 1 and conclude with live examples of coding/compiling/running applications. For the non-programmer, this presentation will give you insight on how iPhone apps are developed. For the programmer, this presentation will give you confidence to start iPhone development.
Richard Mullinix is a Computer Scientist currently working in the Science Data Processing Branch at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In 2002, Richard graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with dual BS degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. Richard started working at Goddard as a coop student in 1998 and has been here ever since. Over the past eight years here at Goddard, Richard has developed the user interface for the Space Weather Laboratory's integrated Space Weather Analysis project, helped create a Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum exhibit: Earth Today, as well as contributed to the Integrated Lunar Information Architecture for Decision Support (ILIADS) projects and is in the process of developing an iPhone application for the integrated Space Weather Analysis system.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Nargess Memarsadeghi
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-8313
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