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Robert Patti
A Path to Machine Intelligence
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Building 8 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Cookies at 10:30 AM)
Many factors conspire to limit significant gains in computing power. Conventional computing paradigms are failing. The hardware fundamentals of Moore's law stumble against the hard realities of physics; ever-increasing numbers of cores strain our capability to effectively program them. New computing paradigms must evolve, and a dominant force in this evolution is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI demands a new vision of computer hardware based on advanced packaging, low latency, and true heterogenous computing.
This talk explores the future of AI hardware by focusing on a highly scalable platform developed by KnuEdge, Inc. The KnuEdge platform was designed from the ground up with a concentrated emphasis on AI computing. Its extreme scalability addresses tiny IoT and handheld devices as well as enormous exascale HPC applications. A key element of the platform is low latency, both in its plentiful memory and in its communications across millions of processing cores. The hardware design incorporates 2.5D and 3D integrated circuits with true heterogenous computing elements, stepping ahead of Moore's Law into the new era of AI-driven computing.
Mr. Patti is the Vice President of Hardware for KnuEdge, Inc., a world leader in artificial intelligence platforms. He has spent more than 18 years in the area of 2.5/3D integration and very advanced packaging. For that work, he was recognized by Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International trade association in 2009 with North American SEMI award for his pioneering work in the emerging technical area of 3D IC integration. In addition to his work in 2.5D and 3D integrated circuit technology, Mr. Patti was active in JEDEC as the Vice Chairman of the Future Memories Task Group (DRR3) and continues to guide the development of high performance 2.5/3D integrated memories and sensors at several companies.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Craig Pelissier
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040