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Tom Soderstrom
IT Chief Technology Officer
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The future of IT: Innovating Together
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Building 3 Auditorium - 11:00 AM
(Coffee and cookies at 10:30 AM)
(Note: This colloquium will be presented via a VITS interface between NASA JPL and NASA GSFC, and will demonstrate a live interactive 3D augmented reality link.
The pace of innovation is accelerating and driving a possibly insatiable demand for IT. The goal is to work with anyone from anywhere using any data and any device at any time. OK. I'm in! But what does it mean?
In this talk, Tom Soderstrom, JPL IT Chief Technology Officer, and Gabriel Rangel, JPL Emerging IT Solutions Engineer, will give us a glimpse of what the future IT environment will look like. A few examples includes the IT Petting Zoo, Consumer Driven IT, cloud computing, big data, augmented reality, extreme collaboration, and more. They will show real world examples and lessons learned from creating the next generation IT environment with industry and NASA personnel. They will also describe the IT Trends for the next IT Decade and give some ideas of how we can touch and jointly create a future IT that enables space exploration and the NASA mission.
As IT CTO at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Tom Soderstrom leads a collaborative, practical, hands-on approach with JPL and industry to investigate and infuse emerging IT technology trends that are relevant to JPL, NASA, and large enterprises.
He consults with industry and government leaders on cloud computing, big data, mobility, consumerization and how to transform IT into Innovating Together.
Tom has led remote teams and large scale IT change / best practices and tools development in small startups, large commercial companies, in international venues, and in the US Government arena.
IS&T Colloquium Committee Host: Paul Hunter
Sign language interpreter upon request: 301-286-7040
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